moondiver Artwork Series

When Dylan from moondiver (and also Soda Blonde) approached me to design the artwork for his new project’s debut single ‘Gretchen’, I only delighted to be involved. Their music is trippy, groove-laden and completely entrancing, and I was excited by the challenge of coming up with the right visual accompaniment. We discussed things we liked and didn’t like and I began sketching out ideas. It may seem obvious, but the idea of a diver in moonlit pool wouldn’t leave my mind. It seemed to perfectly encapsulate the introspective quality of their music. They loved the sketch and after a few revisions I made a digital painting, again inspired by the geometric designs of the jazz era. Dylan preferred a more tactile feel, so we ran it through a paint emulator (cheating I know) and voilà!

This collaboration has continued into two further singles, where we’ve continued to tease out the diver motif. It has been really satisfying to find different ways of presenting our heroine in different compositions and colour pallets. Click the images below to check out their music.


Daniel Luke - Shadow Dance LP Design

